Retreatment Root Canal

Root canal retreatment is a dental procedure that involves the re-treatment of a previously treated root canal to address persistent infection, reinfection, or other unresolved issues.

Endodontic diagnosis Kenwood, Cincinnati

What Is A Retreatment Root Canal

A retreatment root canal is a dental procedure that is performed when a previously treated root canal has failed or there are still signs of infection or inflammation in the tooth. During the procedure, the dentist will remove the previous filling material and carefully clean out the canals of the tooth to remove any remaining infection. They will then fill the canals with a new filling material. This procedure may require multiple visits, and is usually performed under local anesthesia. It is important to undergo a retreatment root canal to save the tooth from extraction and prevent further infection.

Why A Retreatment Is Recommended

A retreatment is done to remove infection and save the tooth from needing to be be pulled.